We study the general solution of equation kB,cux fx, where k B,c is the ultrahyper-bolic Bessel operator iterated k-times and is defined by k B,c= [1/c2(Bx1 Bx2 �· �· �· Bxp) - (Bxp1 �· �· �· Bxpq)] k, p q n, n is the dimension of Rn {x : x=( x1, x2, . . . , xn), x > 0}, . . . , xn >0}, Bxi ?2/?x2i (2vi/xi)(?/?xi), 2vi = 2�Ÿi 1, �Ÿi > -1/2, xi > 0( i = 1, 2, . . . , n), f(x) is a givengeneralized function, u(x) is an unknown generalized function, k is a nonnegative integer, c is a positive constant, and x ? Rn.